Due to unforeseen circumstances, all orders are temporarily being shipped from our warehouse in Germany, which leads to extended shipping times. We ask for your patience – but don’t worry, because PowerFingers is worth the wait!
What is PowerFingers?
PowerFingers are designed with health and well being at the forefront.
PowerFingers allows you to effectively train the hand, wrist, forearm and elbow to improve strength and dexterity, and to both prevent and recover from injury.
PowerFingers brings the muscles of the forearm back into balance by strengthening the extensors of the wrist and forearm, as well as improving grip strength and mobility in this area. Working this group of muscles has a significant benefit for those suffering from elbow tendonitis, carpal tunnel and repetitive strain issues by reducing pain and in some instances, eradicating this condition.
This patented product is crafted from carefully selected silicone and moulded into a circular shape. PowerFingers comes in a clamshell case of 5 colors, increasing from white to dark purple in tandem with the tension and resistance strengths, increasing as you move from the lighter colors to the darker ones.

Who uses PowerFingers?
Whether you are young or old, a professional or non professional athelete, suffering from arthritis, carpal tunnel, repetitive strain issues, or golfers/tennis elbow, PowerFingers can help.
PowerFingers helps to build grip and wrist strength, improves finger speed and dexterity, which in turn will help prevent repetitive strain issues and injuries.
Gamers, golfers, climbers, musicians, IT personnel, baseball players, pilates and yoga practitioners, anyone involved in an activity using hand and wrist strength (even daily tasks such as opening jars and medicine bottles), have found great improvement from the use of PowerFingers. Improvements include antagonist muscle balancing, increased finger independence, increased finger strength, wrist strength and forearm strength, better hand and finger range of motion, injury prevention as well as the perfect compliment to any physical therapy rehabilitation program.
PowerFingers, with it’s unique shape and texture is an excellent fidget toy! Fidget toys are self-regulation tools to help with focus, attention, calming, and active listening.
Anyone can gain benefits from as little as 10 minutes a day.
You can contact System5 from 8.30am – 5.30pm EST, Monday – Friday; or anytime of the day via the email address below. We welcome and encourage your feedback.
Phone: 855.573.6477

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